Wisdom Teeth
Third molars commonly known as the wisdom teeth usually erupts between late teenage or early twenties. Due to the evolution, humans have smaller jawbones in comparison to the ancestors. This reduction in the size of jaw bones causes the problem of less room to accommodate 32 teeth.
Wisdom teeth which are erupting at the end of all eruptions might not have space to erupt and cause different problems. This is why we are seeing more and more wisdom teeth removals these days.
Does everyone have to remove all 4 wisdom teeth?
It is not necessary that everyone must remove all 4 wisdom teeth. There is no need to remove the wisdom teeth if
•Sufficient space for eruption and wisdom teeth erupts completely
•Erupts in the right place and angle, proper bite is achieved
•If you can keep it clean regularly
Pain related to wisdom teeth eruption is expected but it is safer to consult your dentist regarding any concerns related to wisdom teeth.
Why remove wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth can cause numerous complications. It is safer to get them removed if your dentist recommends it. In some scenarios wisdom teeth problem is discovered after the check up concerning pain or swelling in the back teeth area. Problems associated with wisdom teeth can still exist without causing any pain or other symptoms. Wisdom teeth that get stuck in between jawbone and gums are called as impacted wisdom teeth. They can be partially or completely impacted. Completely impacted wisdom teeth are seen by radiographs.

Wisdom teeth causing dental caries
Wisdom teeth that is partially erupted/ impacted can trap food in-between. These sites are difficult to clean, and it cause cavity to both the wisdom teeth and the adjacent teeth. Delay in removing partially erupted wisdom teeth can cause such deep cavities indicated in the image and resulting in removing the wisdom teeth and the adjacent teeth.
Do you know that your wisdom teeth can cause tumors and cyst ?
Yes, you heard it right. Wisdom teeth can cause tumor and cyst in your jaw.
Prevention is better than the cure.
These cysts and tumors can grow in your jaw with or with out any symptoms. Prophylactic removal of impacted lower third molars at an early age, symptomatic or asymptomatic, is considered a better treatment modality because retention of such impacted teeth may cause serious conditions and an increase in the risk of postoperative complication rates.

Tumor and Cyst formed from wisdom teeth
Impaction causing another impaction!
Due to the lack of room for eruption a wisdom teeth (third molar) can block the way for eruption of its adjacent teeth.

Wisdom teeth that is partially erupted have a flap of gum tissue over it. This flap of gum can trap food in it causing inflammation and pain. In different cases this can be highly unpleasant involving pus, swelling and bad breath. This condition is commonly seen in partially erupted lower wisdom teeth.
This condition can be managed by cleaning, antibiotic prophylaxis, removal of inflamed gum. A permanent solution for pericoronitis will be removal of the partially erupted wisdom teeth.
When to remove wisdom teeth?
Removing wisdom teeth at a young age (teenage or early twenties) makes the procedure easier since the bones are less dense, and the roots of the wisdom teeth might not have fully developed. Clients of young age have better and faster healing to the procedure. Early detection of possible complications from a wisdom teeth and there removal is ideal.